“The Grassroots Podcast,” an interview series from Grassroots Outdoor Alliance that specializes in specialty retail perspectives, is heading into fall with growing momentum, a widening audience, and a robust list of upcoming topics.
With free downloads available on Spotify, the podcast features candid discussions and interviews with a range of supporting guests, such as retailers, sales managers and topical experts.
“The Grassroots Podcast” is hosted by Dana Howe, vice president of Grassroots Outdoor Alliance, and the most recent episode focuses on the growing trend of used gear (“Resale Therapy: How Specialty Retailers are Embracing Secondhand Gear”) with guests Todd and Megan Frank from The Trailhead (Missoula, Mont.), and Josh Haring from The Mountain Air (San Luis Obispo, Calif.).
Past topics have included the impact on specialty retail of PFAs (“Forever Chemicals: What to know and why you should care”) with James Pollack, environmental attorney; and retailer sales trends (“Preseason perspectives: where retailers are right now”) with specialty retail consultant Carrie Watson of Outside Looks.
“The driving idea behind the Grassroots podcast is to provide a forum for the big conversations that are happening in the world of specialty retail,” said Howe. “We want to help retailers better understand key topics affecting their businesses, while also helping vendor brands truly understand the realities and nuances of the specialty marketplace.”
The easy-to-absorb nature of podcasts is key for the Grassroots audience of retailers, sales reps and other hands-on professionals, many of whom are limited on the amount of dedicated time they have for “reading” the news.
“For our retailers, the Grassroots Podcast is something they can listen to while they’re multi-tasking, working in a warehouse or taking a lunchtime hike,” said Gabe Maier, Grassroots Outdoor Alliance president.
Grassroots Outdoor Alliance is a retailer-owned active network of 101 independently owned outdoor retailers and 69 vendor partners, working together for the health and growth of specialty outdoor retail. Through data collection and analysis, direct member support, specialty events and deep vendor partnerships, Grassroots Outdoor Alliance is creating both a vision and roadmap for the long-term success of independent specialty retail. Grassroots Outdoor Alliance is recognized as a catalyst for the success of its retailers and vendor partners; an advocate for specialty independent retail; a promoter of education and community within the specialty channel; and a key influencer of the national outdoor industry. For more information on Grassroots Outdoor Alliance, please go to www.grassrootsoutdoors.com.
Connect by Grassroots is our twice annual legacy show experience that spans 4 days offering an efficient and structured format for retailers to conduct their pre-season line showings and business conversations. Connect appointments are scheduled well in advance of the show which supports brands that already have established business with our retail attendees. Connect is focused and efficient and allows retailers and brands to conduct business together at the right time in the buying cycle, while also incorporating opportunities to celebrate the outdoor industry and retail community. The next Connect will be held June 12-15, 2023 (Knoxville, Tenn.). For more information, please visit https://connect.grassrootsoutdoors.com.
Discovery Marketplace by Grassroots is our exploration experience aimed at introducing our attending retailers to new, niche, and exciting brands in a 3-hour unstructured open format offered at the beginning of Grassroots. The Discovery Marketplace is about making introductions and building new relationships between retailers and emerging brands. The next Discovery Marketplace (LINK) will be held June 11, 2023 (Knoxville, Tenn.).