News Show News

Go Climate Neutral

A nonprofit launched last summer that wants to help brands run climate-neutral companies—and the certification could be just what consumers concerned about the future of the planet are seeking.

Tariff Turmoil

The biggest headache outdoor brands face with the reality of the “Tariff War” between China and the United States is that it’s hard to know what tariffs and policies will become reality.

The Backcountry Saga

The debate ‘Is this legal?’ versus ‘How does this play?’ is an important conversation to have between legal and marketing/PR.

You Can Help

Hurricane Dorian devastated the Bahamas. Alison Hill, managing director of LifeStraw tells us what her brand is doing to help in the ongoing disaster and how other outdoor brands can join in the relief effort.
News People

Financing Climate Change

When Protect Our Winters holds its annual summit later this month to discuss top priorities for advancing climate action in 2020, the group will have a new issue on its agenda: global finance and banking. The role that big banks play in funding the f

Prime Location

It won’t surprise anyone reading this magazine to learn that retail, at least traditional brick-and-mortar retail, is in a bad way. Earlier this year, The Atlantic pointed out that “There have been nine retail bankruptcies in 2017—as many as al